Saturday, January 19, 2019


I know. I haven't blogged in awhile. Some days I think, "I should really write a blog post tonight." But then nothing happens. I get sidetracked, my dogs are extra needy, something needs a desperate cleaning, etc., etc. You get the picture. So I haven't published anything in awhile.

A week or so ago I was reading another person's blog. It was actually a blog for nurses, far reach from my own employment in a law firm, but an interesting read nonetheless. I don't remember the topic of the post but a single comment has stuck with me more than a week later. "It's easy to write when things aren't going well." It was something to that effect.

And that is the absolute truth. The last few years have been anything but easy, as demonstrated by the first posts on my blog; similar issues nagged at me up through last year. Things have been going really well lately. Sure, I feel the every day stresses of being an adult. Work is never easy as I navigate a field I am still working to understand. Everyone's work is challenging somedays so this doesn't make me special. If every day was a piece of cake we wouldn't call it work. (Side note: we had carrot cake yesterday at work and it was delicious. Hit the spot.) Owning a home comes with its own set of challenges as I prioritize what projects need to be accomplished by when and decide whether something is a major issue or minor inconvenience. Maintaining a car is a simple task anymore as I order new tires online and schedule an oil change. Compared to the greater world, my problems are small potatoes (which are my favorite food so I am more than happy to call myself that).

Nothing in my life is so strenuous or taxing or debilitating that I need to blog lately. I had one job recently where there was something to blog about nearly daily because I was so overwhelmed by every single task in my life. I was stressed to the point of not eating or sleeping. I have neither of those problems now. Sure, my days are full as I work almost full time and take 3 classes at a local community college but these are choices I have made and I have adequate resources to make sure my bases are covered in all aspects of life.

I'm sorry if you have been hoping for more thought provoking content these days. My life is too good right now. I don't want this blog to be a place I sit around and brag about all my current accomplishments and expect you to post congratulatory remarks when I share it on Facebook. I am here to offer my insights and advice. It probably goes without mentioning that I like my life right now and don't want to be inundated with sad and scary things that make for good writing.

I am working on more content (of happy and exciting things in my life!) and it is one of my goals this year to write more: blogging, journaling, and note writing. I also want to read more books and drink more coffee, and snuggle with my dogs. My year is off to great start, as I read my book this morning (highly recommend "The Great Alone"), drank my coffee, and snuggled my dogs. I wish you all a fabulous year ahead.

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