Monday, December 11, 2017

What I'm Going to Do

With Christmas fast approaching I know the New Year will be here before we know it. Rather than wait until the last minute to declare some goals for 2018. So here's what I'm going to do. Or at least attempt to do. It doesn't make much sense to keep these goals to myself. People need to keep me accountable and once they are out in the open people can ask me about them. I haven't fleshed these goals out for all of you but trust me, they are more elaborate on the sheet of paper I wrote them on. I will hang it on desk as a constant reminder of what I am going to do. I encourage others to make their own list of goals for the new year. Being a young adult is tough; too much time is spent in this floaty land of uncertainty. Some times things feel out of control and you don't know exactly where you are headed. Put some concrete ideas/tasks/projects in place to create a path of guidance for the coming months.

Bre's Goals for 2018 (as of December 11, 2017 and in no particular order)

1. Learn to cook with spices and herbs

2. Run a half marathon

3. Get married

4. Read 36 books total

5. Build a library in the basement

6. Completely housetrain Dunkel

7. Find a job I love

8. Join a gym

9. Make more friends

10. Remodel my kitchen

11. Use my phone less

12. Launch a financially profitable blog

13. Take more pictures (not on my phone, but with my camera)

14. Journal 4-5 days a week

15. More dance parties

I bid you “Adieu,” 27

As my birthday approaches and year 27 comes to a close, I hope to look back on this age many years from now and remember it as fondly as I d...